Tuesday 18 December 2012

10 Steps To Succes

1. Self-Belief: 
Success is begins in the mind. One has to be believer, first, if one wishes to be an achiever. Never under-estimate yourself. You have no idea how often can you surprise yourself. So to begin with, let's get in the belief, "I Can."

2. Clarity of Vision: 
There is no point running around without knowing where one wants to reach. you must get your job cut out. Greatest achievers in the world have been visionaries. Know exactly what you are best at and give it your best shot.

3. Setting the Right Goals: 
The goals should be realistic .The goals should be achievable ,and yet challenging enough - neither too easy nor too difficult -something in the middle.

4. Be focused: 
If the sun's rays are focused on a piece of paper with a lens, the intensity of the concentrated energy burns the paper. Focus on your objective will enhance the intensity of the effects of your efforts.

5. No Short Cuts to Success: 
There are no short cuts to success. Divide your overall goals into smaller targets. Divide your monthly plans into weekly and weekly plans into daily plans and see how simple can things be.

6. Take Risks: 
Without any risk no progress is possible. Life comes to a stable standstill. People who take chances are the people who get ahead in life. The only way to reduce risk is to take risks.

7. Take the Initiative: 
People who take the initiative make the most of their lives. Proactive people do not wait for success to happen; rather they make it happen. As they say, 'JUST DO IT'.

8. Never Hesitate to Struggle: 
No one has ever climbed a mountain just by looking at it. Struggle, hard struggle, is a key to success.

9. Own Responsibility: 
Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target. People, who own complete responsibility of their lives, are the people who make the most of it.

10. Never Give Up: 
Many people who failed in life, where those who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Success demands extra-ordinary amount of perseverance. Never, never, give up.

Friday 23 March 2012

RESULT SPM 2011 - suasana-

Asalamualaikum .. selepas 13 disember 2011 dan bermulalah detik perhitungan hari yang akan menentukan hala tuju aku selepas ni .. result akan keluar dalam bulan 3 , so lama lagi lah kan . jadi aku pun bekerjalah sementra menunggu keputusan spm aku... hari-hari aku fikir sal apa yang akan aku dapat nanti hmmm buat aku jdi gila lah .! huhu ...aku tak berani la nk TARGET apa-apa dalam result spm ni .. sebab TRIAL AKU TERUK . nak taw result trial aku?? hahahahahaha serius malu aku nak gtaw . hmm dengan rasa malu lagi tersipu result trial aku hanyalh 1B+ 5C 1D 1E 1* ... malu okeyh okeyh B+ For BAHASA INGGERIS and.. * ? memang selaalu ada lah . so aku tak terkejut beruk lah .. * for mathematics .. bukanlah tak suka math tapi aku dh usaha yg terbaik tapi masih * so nak buat camna kan? hmm . aku lak x pegi tusyen . bukan x pegi .. p tapi x kekal . p dalam 2 bulan ja . aku tak selesa lah belajar kt tusyen tuhh .. aku lebih suka belajar bersendrian .. aku p skolah kekadang aku main jaa . tak belajar sangat pun . tapi balik rumah aku fokus bila study sendirian . tapi result aku tetap tak cemerlang hmm . aku berserah saja lah . .. setelah sekian lama menunggu akhirnya 21 march 2012 result SPM 2011 keluar . so aku pun takut lah , nervous wehhh .. dup dap dup dap lah jantung nieh .. tido pun dah x boleh dah nieeee... hari result tu aku bangun dari tido online facebook jap then pegi skola .. 10.30 result masih x dikeluarkan lagi . jadi aku isikan masa yang ada dengan pegi 'menyibukan diri' pegi melawat kelas2 n skolah . HAHA . rindu skolah lah . time tu pulak time rehat memang ramai lah orang kt dewan tu ishh .. menyemak jer ,hehehe . sembang punya sembang . tuptup kaunselor mai la pulak . dia pangil aku . then tangkap gambar heeew.. lam 10 minit gitu  cikgu aku pun sampailah . dan aku dengan tangan terketar-ketar tandatgan kt kertas tu , cikgu aku pun tegur --awat muka pucat ? demam ka? dia xtaw aku dah nervous gila2 masa tu aiee .. sebelum amik result kena bayar  RM 2.00 dulu hihihihi ... aku pun bayar . kemudian dapatlah result aku .. legaa bersyukur dengan result aku walaupun TAK SECEMERLANG mana . Alhamdulillah 5A :)  .. aku bandingkan result trial aku dan result spm rupanya BAHASA INGGERIS aku 'down' .. subjek lain ok .. hmm rasa terkilan jugak ..but at least aku mampu ubah dari result yang teruk ke lebih baik! yeyy ...... aku tak tahu lah sama ad result aku nie layak masuk mana2 IPTA atau IPTS . aku berserah saja la ..

yang gagal atau kurang bernasib baik cuba lagi , usaha lah lagi , jangan cepat putus asa k :)